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Showing posts from January, 2012

Old Testament links worth reading up on

The first two recommended by Fr. Michael Simone: The last by David Armstrong Alleged Bible "Contradictions" and "Difficulties": Master List of Christian Internet Resources for Apologists (Including a Lengthy Bibliography) Also check out  The New Jerome Biblical Commentary 

Eternity and Trinity

Apart from the desire to enjoy communion with God specifically in the life of the Trinity, the desire to live forever is not much more than the desire to be rather than not to be.  But merely being forever without such enjoyment would not be fulfillment: it might even be painful.  So  any non-Trinity-centered desire to live forever is the end, amounts to the fear of death.  But the revelation of the Trinity shows us that living forever is desirable...intensely desirable.  And it makes living in the present more beautiful, dramatic, fulfilling.