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Showing posts from January, 2014

peak experiences, cultural objectivities, justice, mathematical objects, emptily intending,

When we add 2+3, we can see, as it were, with our mind's eye that it equals 5.  Very elaborate proofs, however, cannot be seen to be valid as a whole.  In other words, no single one glance of the "mind's eye" will confirm that the argument as a whole is valid.  Or rather, it is not presently humanly possible, but anyone who asserts that it is valid is likely to imagine a Herculean mind (to steal from Dworkin) that could see all at once the validity of such arguments.  To put it in the language of phenomenology, we "emptily intend" this sort of fulfillment even though it is presently practically unattainable. Might this sort of empty intending be relevant to our concept of justice? Consider the following analogy:  knowing the right way to interact with friends and family is comparable to apprehending the validity of the simple equation (2+3=5) just as knowing how strangers in society are to interact is comparable to knowing that an extremely complex argum

Try reversing THIS!

In order to discover momentum, Galileo engaged in a thought experiment involving an infinitely long flat surface.  I propose to do something similar: suppose someone was skating downhill--only the hill is infinitely long.  Ridiculous?  Not any more than an infinitely long plane.  Such a process would not, however, be reversible. I have no idea of what the point of the thought experiment is: I'm just fascinated with it, that's all. Perhaps the inflationary universe is irreversible in an analogous manner.  I dunno....  Hey Tim, are you reading this?  Comments?

The first and third ways

(If my memory serves me right), the Summa shifts from talking about what IS an unmoved mover (in the First Way) to what CANNOT be moved by another when Aquinas is using the First Way to make inferences about the divine attributes. Perhaps Aquinas's move makes better sense if we see the first way and the (first part of the) third way as two legs to the same stool.  That is, if what is presently unmoved were given enough time... it would eventually be moved by another UNLESS it could NOT be moved by another.  But giving "enough time" is what happens in the first part of the Third Way...

books recommended by Haldane for Peeping Thomistis

G.E.M. Anscombe  , Human Life, Action and Ethics  edited by M. Geach and L. Gormally Etienne Gilson,  The Unity of Philosophical Experience Anthony Kenny,  The Metaphysics of Mind Alasdair MacIntyre,  Dependent Rational Animals John F. Piefer,  The Concept in Thomism 

A more Hebraic God of Israel

A Jesuit friend recommended I look at this book by Michael Wyschogrod to address a debate with a brother regarding whether or not monotheism originated from polytheism.  Amazon summary tells me it's more about the difference between a Jewish and Greek approach to God, how Moses Maimonides got it wrong.