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Showing posts from July, 2015

Nice quote from First Things

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.                                                                         —Daniel J. Boorstin

Cis regulatory mechanisms, DNA, neurons and the brain's operation

For quite a while, scientists said that DNA functions as information.  More recently, however, this claim has been marginalized.  There are certainly patches of DNA that encode for protein molecules in a digital manner.  In a manner that reminds me of the way a computer processes 1s and 0s, except, I guess, there are four basic bits of information rather than just two.  That sounds like information to me.  But more recently, scientists have been talking about patches of DNA consisting not of coding for proteins, but of instructions on how to combine the proteins coded for.  The latter sort of DNA patches are call CIS regulatory mechanisms. Okay, I have only a primitive grasp of all of this, but it seems to mee that the CIS regulatory areas are to protein coding patches like the ingredients of a cookbook recipe are to the instructions about whether to add those ingredients in a bowl or whether they should be chopped, julienned, boiled, baked or the like. Furthermore, the cis regulat