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Showing posts from June, 2005

The Human Question

Hi Leo, I just red the article of Dembski. I think that I understand the position. The idea of him is that it is posible to afirm as a scientific hypothesis that nature have signs of "intelligent design". So, he doen't afirm that God is the gap that we don't understand but that there are things in nature that where the hypothesis of someone who guide the process is reasonable. I found interesting the argument of complexity, basicly, it says that there are certain systems where it is difficult to see how it evolve step by step because if you remove part of the system it doesn't work at all. I thing that this kind of argument that challenge the simple evolution theory are very interesting. I agree with the fact that it is important to recognize that there are many thing that we don't understand of how living beings arrive to be like they are and that this leave the space for a direct action of God. However, I think that it is not reasonable to say that this