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letter to my buddy somewhere in NJ

Thank you, ____________, for your cordial reply. 

Even though your remarks are often over my head, I am gratified by what I do understand, and I entertain the hope that some of those things will become at least a little clearer as time goes on.  I enjoyed learning how my remarks re China resonated with you.  

You said:
Although it breaks my heart to do it, I'll admit that there are some voids or limitations in our experience which religion might help occupy

Ah, it shouldn't break your heart: it's the guarantee that the ultimate Reality, being in some sense infinite, will never leave you bored.  What if that Reality--that Mystery--is so great that we should continue to be enraptured by it... even if we existed for eternity?  What's not to love?

You continue by proposing the view of Einstein, who said:
"I believe in Spinoza's God, Who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind."
There are reasons for concluding that God is provident, but I won't get into them right here and now.  I will respond instead by pointing to how natural it is for us to wish and hope that there be a provident God:  I ask you to think of something that you really, really want (for me this would be a new Subaru Legacy).  What would be better: simply having this thing that you want or having it because you have received it from a benefactor who cares for you?  What if reality is not only beautiful, but also a gift?  Wouldn't that make it more beautiful?

I know that there are anti-theistic come-backs to my questions, but I am hoping that you can at least  appreciate how theists are drawn to embrace reality with all the greater intensity because they regard it as a gift.
Your argument about free will begins as follows: 

if one accepts the Multi-Worlds Interpretation of quantum theory, as most scientists (including Hawking and others) today do

That's precisely the sort of starting point that I object to.  "IF"!  And how many years do you expect this or that paradigm to stand?

Rhetorical question time:  How long was it that we were all certain that Newton's view motion and such was correct and that it was only a matter of time before everything got explained away?  Was it decades or centuries?  (okay, I'm not sure of how long, but you get the point)

Speaking of multi-worlds, I have an argument for freedom of the will, _____, one that I've designedespecially for you!  The central argument is as follows:

1. Because Platonism is (partially) true, we are determined in some respects
2. Because we are determined in some respects, we are free in others (and those other respects amount to what we normally mean by "free will" 

Add the stipulation that there are many universes (very _____-friendly stipulation), each of which has rational beings capable of understanding that 3+7=10 is necessarily true.  That is, in each universe, anyone who bothers to think of 3, 7 and 10 necessarily thinks that 3 plus 7 equals10.

Questions What is it that constrains the individuals in these different individuals to think of the same object in the same way?  even though the diverse knowers are literally worlds apart (BTW: don't you hate how some people use the word "literally" when they mean "metaphorically").  Remember: there is a different set of laws of physics in each universe YET the same thing causes the knower to know that  3+7=10.  What causes this?

Whatever it is that causes such knowledge, it CAN'T be the laws of any particular universe.  After all, these laws differ from universe to universe, while the mathematical truths don't differ at all.  

Conclusion: mechanical laws don't cause us to know the necessity that characterizes necessary truths.  In other words, one who is in s sense "constrained"  to see that 3+7 MUST equal 10 is simultaneously in another sense liberated from immediate mechanical processes.  Truths that transcend the limits of spatial-temporal objects act on us, constrain us, and in so doing liberate us from the control that immediate processes would otherwise exercise upon us.

This is just the beginning of the argument, but I have to get out of the sandbox and do some ... grading-drudgery.

Till next time,


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