Convergent evolution, if I've gotten it right, is the notion that different organisms evolve in more or less the same way, albeit independently. For example, an octopus and a vertebrate might both develop eyes, but not because this phenotype originates from a common ancestor. The common cause, of course, is light itself.
What if different rational beings evolve quite independently in different parts of the universe/multiverse, yet they all know the principle of non-contradiction, mathematical objects and the like: would we say that there is something analogous to light in the previous example?
It's easy to imagine what a Platonist would make of the significance of this thought experiment!
What if different rational beings evolve quite independently in different parts of the universe/multiverse, yet they all know the principle of non-contradiction, mathematical objects and the like: would we say that there is something analogous to light in the previous example?
It's easy to imagine what a Platonist would make of the significance of this thought experiment!