Alfredo, I appreciated very much what you had to say about choosing the right method when studying nature. In the article from nature that you reviewed, a scientist who is promoting intelligent design (ID) spoke of the need to prove one item of his faith through purely scientific methods." If the scientific method concerns only what we can measure, then it is hard to see how this method could prove the existence of God, who is immeasurable. But being a dilettante at science as I am, I am tempted to ask whether natural science 1.) deals with things solely inasmuch as they are measurable, or 2.) whether it deals with things inasmuch as they act for a purpose. If one were to say that only the first alternative is correct, then wouldn't it be a case of science deriving its own method from mathematics? Would this be an extrinsic imposition of a method? If, on the other hand, one were to say that the second alternative is included in a genuinely scientific understanding of nature, t...
Commentary and discussion regarding science, faith and culture by Leo White