Below is an excerpt from a letter to a bro, I think you make a great point and do so in very few words, and I appreciate that: 1. God does not seem (to you) to be just, given natural and man-made disasters 2. God instead seems ironic, given the same disasters. You make an excellent reply, and it deserves a reply. Here is my initial attempt. God has indeed created a world in which disasters, both great and small naturally take place, but in doing so God has not been unjust. Could God have created a physical world in which no such disasters occur? Perhaps yes. In fact, it may be the case -- if we live in a multiverse -- that such a world may exist. I don't know, nor do I think that anyone else who walks this earth can know. I do notice, however, that the world in which we exist... with all it's pain and sufffering... is beautiful when considered as a whole. I note, furthermore, that a world in which no such pain and suffering existed would be...
Commentary and discussion regarding science, faith and culture by Leo White