Another great quote from the Summa contra gentiles:
"Now, among the acts pertaining
to forms, certain gradations are found. Thus, prime matter is in potency, first
of all, to the form of an element. When it is existing under the form of an
element it is in potency to the form of a mixed body; that is why the elements
are matter for the mixed body. Considered under the form of a mixed body, it is
in potency to a vegetative soul, for this sort of soul is the act of a body. In
turn, the vegetative soul is in potency to a sensitive soul, and a sensitive
one to an intellectual one. This the process of generation shows: at the start
of generation there is the embryo living with plant life, later with animal
life, and finally with human life. After this last type of form, no later and
more noble form is found in the order of generable and corruptible things.
Therefore, the ultimate end of the whole process of generation is the human
soul, and matter tends toward it as toward an ultimate form. So, elements exist
for the sake of mixed bodies; these latter exist for the sake of living bodies,
among which plants exist for animals, and animals for men. Therefore, man is
the end of the whole order of generation