In lecture 10 of Professor Grim's Question of Value, the speaker mentions that children in Trobrian society are raised by the mother and the mother's brother. Apart from conceiving, the mother's lover does not father the child at all.
He also mentions that Trobriands do not believe that men who have intercourse with mothers-to-be do not contribute anything positive to the child's life. They merely open the womb so that a spirit-ancestor of the mother can enter and inhabit it.
Given this belief about conception, the Trobriand way of raising children makes sense. For the child brother has more in common the child's origin than the lover.
He also mentions that Trobriands do not believe that men who have intercourse with mothers-to-be do not contribute anything positive to the child's life. They merely open the womb so that a spirit-ancestor of the mother can enter and inhabit it.
Given this belief about conception, the Trobriand way of raising children makes sense. For the child brother has more in common the child's origin than the lover.