Better to say emergent agency than emergent property, for properties as such belong, and that to which they belong is an agent either in the full sense (e.g., you and I) or in a diminished sense (a falling rock).
Try to define the property of an agent and you will see that it is a category mistake (taking a moment as a piece) to substantialize it, for it is always given as the property of a whole just as the shape and color of this desktop are both "of" this whole. The "of-ness" of properties.
Try to define the property of a non agent, and you will see the same, especially if you recall that causality is attributed to sub-agents only by analogy with agents.
Try to define the property of an agent and you will see that it is a category mistake (taking a moment as a piece) to substantialize it, for it is always given as the property of a whole just as the shape and color of this desktop are both "of" this whole. The "of-ness" of properties.
Try to define the property of a non agent, and you will see the same, especially if you recall that causality is attributed to sub-agents only by analogy with agents.