I'm thinking about a post I made earlier, where I said, "There is something important about the primacy of desire. Important even for human ethics. Desire is forward-looking. Explaining motivation by pointing to past utility can leave out desire." A lot of evolutionary talk about the origin of ethics focuses on the useful: but it all starts with desire. And ends there too. Somewhere Nietzsche talked about the desire of things in nature to discharge themselves... Now Nietzsche's no metaphysician, but remembering what he said further reminds me of the neo-Platonic expression, "The good is self-diffusive." Another thought about another quote from that earlier post: "It may be that evolutionary utilitarianism inasmuch as it treats the useful as prior to the intrinsically desirable, is likewise an unwitting anthropomorphism inasmuch as it treats nature as a whole as if it were a either person engaged in instrumental reasoning..." ...
Commentary and discussion regarding science, faith and culture by Leo White