Some prescientific common sense beliefs are conditions for the possibility of doing science. These beliefs may also, however, require the identity of the self, which in turn undermines the more radical versions of materialism.
Our way to self identity is through what Husserl would called the "noema": the object of our intention. In order for the object of study to be recognized as the same at different times and under different circumstances, that which recognized must likewise be the same. Upon registering something today, I have to recognize that I saw the same thing yesterday. Without that sort of recognition there is no science.
Our way to self identity is through what Husserl would called the "noema": the object of our intention. In order for the object of study to be recognized as the same at different times and under different circumstances, that which recognized must likewise be the same. Upon registering something today, I have to recognize that I saw the same thing yesterday. Without that sort of recognition there is no science.