1. The fact that freedom is an action that follows deliberation regarding the means, and that
2. these means are courses of action, and that ...
3. these courses of action are not co-present to the deliberator like two bales of hay: rather, they are invented, and that ...
4. this invention is the font of human creativity, and that...
5. the motivation for that this creativity is the desire is for a good that extends beyond this or that concrete realization toward which one may direct one's effort, and that...
6. freedom consists of how different alternative paths are directed toward an all-encompassing goal.
2. these means are courses of action, and that ...
3. these courses of action are not co-present to the deliberator like two bales of hay: rather, they are invented, and that ...
4. this invention is the font of human creativity, and that...
5. the motivation for that this creativity is the desire is for a good that extends beyond this or that concrete realization toward which one may direct one's effort, and that...
6. freedom consists of how different alternative paths are directed toward an all-encompassing goal.