cognition is an example of the appropriation of the form of another thing/part of moi without taking away the form's being the form of something other than the appropriating cognizer.
For that reason, the concept of appropriation might be used to help solve the bundling problem. Appropriation, which is what Aristotle says the common sense (koine aesthesis or somethin' like that) does to the operation of the proper senses, is a kind of bundling. And it is analogous to what the proper sense does to the many qualities that concomitantly act up the proper/external senses. In both cases, the higher power takes the operation of the lower power and owns it without taking it away from the other.
For that reason, the concept of appropriation might be used to help solve the bundling problem. Appropriation, which is what Aristotle says the common sense (koine aesthesis or somethin' like that) does to the operation of the proper senses, is a kind of bundling. And it is analogous to what the proper sense does to the many qualities that concomitantly act up the proper/external senses. In both cases, the higher power takes the operation of the lower power and owns it without taking it away from the other.