Is the conviction that all humans are equal a matter of philosophy, science, or faith.
Expected answer: none of the above: it's a matter of common sense!
Further question: you mean, like geocentrism?
Expected reply: No.
Further question: then why not? Is your conviction that this conviction has a different epistemic status than geocentrism a matter of faith, philosophy, science or common sense?
If the reply is an appeal to common sense, then ask how or whether you could explain this to a non-believer in human equality?
Expected reply to that: none
Then make point that secularism relies upon fashionable beliefs that it ends up undermining
If the reply were an appeal to a future possible scientific experiment, then point out that future possible results are definitely open to debate... and until corroborated are a matter of an act of faith. Hence the same point can be made as was made in the face of the appeal to common sense.
Expected answer: none of the above: it's a matter of common sense!
Further question: you mean, like geocentrism?
Expected reply: No.
Further question: then why not? Is your conviction that this conviction has a different epistemic status than geocentrism a matter of faith, philosophy, science or common sense?
If the reply is an appeal to common sense, then ask how or whether you could explain this to a non-believer in human equality?
Expected reply to that: none
Then make point that secularism relies upon fashionable beliefs that it ends up undermining
If the reply were an appeal to a future possible scientific experiment, then point out that future possible results are definitely open to debate... and until corroborated are a matter of an act of faith. Hence the same point can be made as was made in the face of the appeal to common sense.