When someone says that natural selection can account for our ability to know truth, what does he or she mean by "truth"? Probably the correspondence between a concrete judgment and the something is. But other sorts of truth possess properties that are far more difficult to account for via natural selection (if they can at all). For example, there is notion that a particular claim (e.g., that my cat is sitting on my hat) is capable of being recognized as true by other rational beings at remote times and places, inasmuch as those rational beings have an adequate grasp of reality. Even more interesting, is the example of a proposition that I recognize as true not only for me, but for any rational being capable of grasping the terms' meanings.
Why would natural selection EVER suffice to animals to thematize the properties of the second and third kinds of truth?
Why would natural selection EVER suffice to animals to thematize the properties of the second and third kinds of truth?