...in that case it would be possible in principle to retrodict the past ad infinitum. The present would either contain an infinite amount of information or the universe would be cyclical, albeit (methinks) in a manner analogous to the plot of the Lorenz attractor.
Integral to Dembski's idea of specified complexity (SC) is the notion that something extrinsic to evolution is the source of the specification in how it develops. He compares SC to the message sent by space aliens in the movie "Contact." In that movie, earthbound scientists determine that radio waves originating in from somewhere in our galaxy are actually a signal being sent by space aliens. The scientists determine that these waves are a signal is the fact that they indicate prime numbers in a way that a random occurrence would not. What is interesting to me is the fact that Dembski relies upon an analogy with a sign rather than a machine. Like a machine, signs are produced by an intelligent being for the sake of something beyond themselves. Machines, if you will, have a meaning. Signs, if you will, produce knowledge. But the meaning/knowledge is in both cases something other than the machine/sign itself. Both signs and machines are purposeful or teleological...
So in summary:
The universe is determinist.
The universe evolves chaotically (in the mathematical sense.)
The universe is compact - closed and bounded.
Under the Ergodic Hypothesis, it is also periodic (as in Nietzsche's eternal recurrence.) This is because the Lorentz,/Rossler or other Poincare-driven strange attractor includes periodic orbits as well.
If the universe is open, the law of Conservation of Energy and the 2nd law of Thermodynamics no longer exist globally.
More likely the number of states of a compact universe would be deterministic and uncountably infinite and rarely, although possibly, a countably infinite number of periodic or quasi-periodic orbits. But, of course, the uncountably infinite “swamps out” the countably infinite.
So in summary:
The universe is determinist.
The universe evolves chaotically (in the mathematical sense.)
The universe is compact - closed and bounded.
Under the Ergodic Hypothesis, it is also periodic (as in Nietzsche's eternal recurrence.) This is because the Lorentz,/Rossler or other Poincare-driven strange attractor includes periodic orbits as well.
If the universe is open, the law of Conservation of Energy and the 2nd law of Thermodynamics no longer exist globally.
More likely the number of states of a compact universe would be deterministic and uncountably infinite and rarely, although possibly, a countably infinite number of periodic or quasi-periodic orbits. But, of course, the uncountably infinite “swamps out” the countably infinite.
If you'd like to have a conversation, that's great, but you'll have to speak in layman's terms. Very smart people, very smart scientists included, are capable of doing that. Why Einstein himself wrote a book, which, if I opened a page, I would be able to understand. You can do the same.
Again, if you really want to have a conversation, I'm game. But if you want to talk essentially to yourself (no one but you, me and my buddy Tim knows of the existence of this blog), well continue in the same manner that you are doing here.
Let me break down one sentence: "The universe is also deterministic because of the astonishing equivalence between a completely deterministic control problem (looking at the universe as a dynamic system) and a random process associated with observation":
No, I can't break it down. Can you?
Try addressing the argument that I provided, rather than reeling off your own, new argument.
Let me propose an answer to the question: no.
Think Hume's problem of induction.
So I don't think talking about the results of this or that scientific experiment to prove nature operates with necessity is anything other than circular.
I think you need to read chapter 2 of Chesterton's ORTHODOXY.
Your most recent post undermines your earlier post.