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you don't need to do cosmology to know how physically insignificant we are

Try flying at 30,000 feet and looking down.


Unknown said…
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him?

Again, I leave for a few days, and THQ has doubled!

I've never bought the idea that science taught us our physical insignificance. I think what happened is that in the 19th century, people moved to cities, and started to have that primordial fear before nature exclusively through science, and as a result falsely credited it for showing that man is small. Ever been to Death Valley?
Leo White said…
I am ashamed to say it, but no--never been there. I guess I never got past the word "Death"... so that whatever anyone else might have told me after that wasn't going to motivate me to head in that direction.

Worthwhile point about city life and insignificance and viewing it through science... I think your entry is missing a word or two, but my take is that when we look at self through eyes of science, we can seem to be a glorified puddle of water plus other chemicals: looking at the ourselves through the eyes of cosmology, makes us look like an incredibly small puddle of water and other chemicals.

It would seem to me that since we're the only part of the universe that SEEMS to be looking at the universe... the greater the size of the universe, the greater the show that is being put on for us by God.

If your rich uncle took you to see a dog jump through a hoop, you might say "big whoop, but thanks anyways." But if your rich uncle took you to India to see the elephants parade in front of the Taj Mahal, etc., you would say, "Wow, awesome uncle: you must really want to make me feel special, and you did!" So the bigger and more beautiful/mysterious the universe is, the better the show God has put on for us.
Hey, I kinda like that... so much that I'll post it separately too.

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