What would happen to the problem of divine foreknowledge if the whole universe existed for only one instant?
Well, God could be said to foreknow the condition of creation inasmuch as the atemporal eternal is prior to the temporal. But this foreknowledge is not the sort that we have when we know, at 5pm we know or think we know what will happen at 5:05pm on the same day.
The firsts sort of priority (of the eternal over the temporal) is more basic than the second (of one time over another time).
A well-directed attempt to deal with the problem of divine foreknowledge must recognize this distinction, direct its efforts at understanding the implications of the first sort of foreknowledge while recognizing that the second sort of foreknowledge is a pseudoproblem in the case of God's knowledge.
Well, God could be said to foreknow the condition of creation inasmuch as the atemporal eternal is prior to the temporal. But this foreknowledge is not the sort that we have when we know, at 5pm we know or think we know what will happen at 5:05pm on the same day.
The firsts sort of priority (of the eternal over the temporal) is more basic than the second (of one time over another time).
A well-directed attempt to deal with the problem of divine foreknowledge must recognize this distinction, direct its efforts at understanding the implications of the first sort of foreknowledge while recognizing that the second sort of foreknowledge is a pseudoproblem in the case of God's knowledge.