In order for there to be science, the same proposition must be known to have been first proposed, later tested, and finally confirmed/or/rejected.
In order for these propositions to be recognized as having been the subject of scientific reasoning, they must have been compared by one and the same person. In other words, I can't know know that I am confirming a hypothesis unless I knew it as an initial hypothesis, then as object of experimental testing and finally as an explanation that has been confirmed or denied.
In order for the same person to compare the same proposition at different times, the he or she must keep their identity through time.
But if reductive materialism were true, then identity through time would be an illusion. In fact, there would be no such thing as even a momentary identity, for the self would be an illusion. But in such case, there would be no such one to compare the initial hypothesis with its confirming evidence. Nor would there be such a thing as a scientific discovery. Science simply would not exist.
Reductive materialism slits its wrists with Ockham's Razor.