Evolution is a kind of movie-like presentation of nature, whereas the observation of chance/purpose/necessity here and now is a kind of snapshot, or maybe a quick videocam shot.
Some of those who are schooled in evolution may also be taught that it offers evidence that nature is purposeless, even though they may spontaneously regard the world as purpose-laden when they take a momentary "snapshot" of their present situation. And even though that videocam/snapshot like glimpse of the world in which one lives may well offer one sound reasons to affirm the purposefulness not only of human striving but of the world in which we live, nevertheless, the movie/narrative with the theme that evolution-shows-that-life-has-no-overall-given-meaning can easily trump the camshot of one's lifeworld.
I recall what Giussani said about observation and how we must make sure that it is not squelched by ideology. And we must be sensitive to how ideology can be conveyed through a narrative that for most of the time escapes our gaze.
I recall what Giussani said about observation and how we must make sure that it is not squelched by ideology. And we must be sensitive to how ideology can be conveyed through a narrative that for most of the time escapes our gaze.